 The flames from the many fires burning in the kraal (village) start their eerie dance to the beat of african drums. Young bare breasted virgins begin their ritual dance as if in answer to the firey invitation.For tonight many young boys are going to be initiated into men and they will choose their wives. The Inkosi (chief) sits with his indunas (elders) drinking beer and nodding his approval, for he knows his ancestors are proud of his tribe - the sangoma (witchdoctor) had told him that very afternoon after throwing the bones. The sangoma appears dressed in her full regalia of beads and skins, pulsating to the throbing beat of the drums, as the tempo increases she goes deeper and deeper into a state of trance.The new men lead the sacrificial cow in and proceed to slaughter it - for tonight is theirs. Let the feast begin, much beer is drunk - a feast is had by all, at the end of the evening the young men choose their wives and return to their newly built kraals to continue their African destiny. All is now still except for the baying of the scavanging hyenas as if laughing at the false sense of security that engulfs Africa in the quite hours that belong to the gods and ancestors and as the fires dying embers finaly turn to ashes a new day is born in Africa.


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